Happy Father's Day to all dads, our MVPs!

August 30, 2024

Are you the superstar Dad who’s always looked after the family’s wellbeing, and put them before yourself? If that’s you, here’s wishing you a very Happy Father’s Day! 

Apart from all the wonderful things you already do for the whanāu, do you know what else you could do? You could look after yourself better. And getting the right insurance policies could be one way to do that. By choosing the right insurance options, you could protect not just yourself but also your family by easing financial strain at what might already be a challenging time. 

Here are some options to consider: 

Funeral Insurance: To ensure that your loved ones receive a lumpsum payout to help pay for your final expenses and be able to focus on cherishing the beautiful memories you’ve left them with.

Life insurance: This will safeguard your family from financial strain when you pass on. 

Health insurance: For those unexpected doctor's visits.

Disability insurance: Just in case you can't work one day.

This Father’s Day, take a moment to ponder these insurance options, and be the superstar Dad you always were! 

Dollar Insurance can help protect you from avoidable financial strain in the event of your passing. Visit our home page or call us on 0800 226 223 today to know more. 


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is of a general nature only and does not take into account your personal situation or goals. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs and seek independent financial advice, if required, to ensure an insurance product is suitable for you.

Any product information is correct at the time this article was published. For current product information, please visit the Dollar Insurance website.